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Off Topix

Off Topix is a well established general discussion forum that originally opened to the public way back in 2009! We provide a laid back atmosphere and our members are down to earth. We have a ton of content and fresh stuff is constantly being added. We cover all sorts of topics, so there's bound to be something inside to pique your interest. We welcome anyone and everyone to register & become a member of our awesome community.

Web Hosting Company - Cloud Cubix LLC


Off Topix Regular

We are a small web hosting company been in-development for 3 years up until March 2022 we decided to make it an official company. We are doing our best to not become like the other hosting companies and actually care about our customers. We still have some minor tweaks to make but we are still going strong.

We would like to grant a promo for all FA members that also sign up with us to say thank you.
Link : http://cloudcubix.biz

We have services such as :
1. Shared Hosting Packages starting at $4.99
2. Reseller Hosting starting at $11.99
3. VPS Starting at $15.99
4. Dedicated Servers starting at $40.00
5. WordPress Hosting Starting at $7.99
6. Domain Registration with us (Various TLDs)

The promo only applies to:
Shared Hosting

All FA members get 45% off for the first 3 months with the purchase of a domain with us. using code: FA
Thank you for advertising with us! Good luck on your project! :)
This topic is either offline and/or has not received an update or a reply in about 2 months (or more). Therefore, we have moved it to the Inactive Threads section of the Promotion Directory forum. If you'd like your advertisement thread unarchived, you can either reach out to a staff member and ask for your thread to be moved back or you can create a brand new promotion thread for your site if you like.

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